CATEGORY: Advocacy, Families, Leading for Racial Equity, Resources

Tolu Jun 18, 2024

At Achievement First, we honor and celebrate Juneteenth, a significant day that marks the emancipation of enslaved African Americans in the United States. While it is a time for joy and fellowship, Juneteenth is a powerful reminder of the ongoing struggle for freedom and equality today. We encourage everyone to spend this day learning, reflecting, and celebrating in ways that feel authentic and meaningful to you. Whether through education, community events, or personal reflection, there are many ways to honor this important day. For those looking to participate in local celebrations, check out our list of family-friendly Juneteenth events in our three regions. Join us as we commemorate this historic day and continue to advocate for justice and equality.

Juneteenth Events Across our Regions

Rhode Island Events New York Events Connecticut Events

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